Table No. 13 exhibits, in detail, the revenue derived from licenses
to Foreign Insurance Companies. The aggregate amount received
from this source during the fiscal year, was $54,063.46, showing an
increase over the year 1811, of $20,617.78.
This increase in the revenue from this source, is one of the evi-
dences of the wisdom of the legislation of the last Session, by which
more effective powers of supervision were vested in an officer ap-
pointed to take special charge of this subject. The report of the
Insurance Commissioner, (a copy of which I sent to your Excellen-
cy,) will exhibit the status of the different Insurance Companies
doing business in this State, more in detail than is necessary in this
Report, and will be highly useful to the people in determining the
relative financial strength and reliability of the said Companies. It
gives me pleasure to testify to the zeal and energy of the In-
surance Commissioner, and the intelligence manifested by him in
the performance of his duties.
Table No. 14 shows the amount of taxes for the year 1872, due
from collectors of State taxes, in the several counties and city of
Baltimore, at the end of the fiscal year, to be $429,341.64.
Table No. 15 exhibits a list of balances due the State from collec-
tors for various years, ranging from 1843 to 1871, inclusive,
amounting in the aggregate to $561,093.07, exclusive of interest.
The accounts of these collectors are in the hands of the State's At-
tornies for collection, and a basis of settlement of many of the old
claims has been agreed upon with the securities on the bonds under
the Act of 1872, Chapter 196. and they are in course of liquidation.
It is expected to bring a large number of them to a close during the
current fiscal year.
Table No. 16 shows a list of balances due from various Sheriffs,
for a long series of years, amounting to $40,883.95, exclusive of int-
erest. It is expected, under the same Act referred to above, to bring
a large number of these cases to a close during the year.
Table No. 17 exhibits the balances due by Clerks of Courts, Reg-
isters of Wills and other officers, as of the end of the fiscal year, a
large portion of which has been paid into the Treasury since the
close of the same. Those accounts still due, are in the hands of the
State's Attornies for collection by law. This table also shows the
amount estimated to be due from the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company, under their contract to pay one-fifth of the gross receipts-
from passengers on the Washington Branch., amounting to $629,-