Statement "H" shows the receipts from licenses and oyster tines,
during the fiscal year, to be $53,136.96, which, added to the balance
standing to the credit of the "Oyster Fund," as of 30th September,
1870, makes the aggregate to the credit of the said fund during the
fiscal year to be $227,263.53.
The expenditures during the fiscal year amounted to $23,675.29,
leaving a balance to the credit of the "Oyster Fund," as of 30th
September, 1871, of $203,588.24. Of the above expenditures, $21,-
351.55 was for salaries and expenses of the "Oyster Police Force,"
and the balance for repairs, construction and incidentals, including-
the sum of $261.14 for costs of suit.
The gross receipts from this source, during the fiscal year, were
larger than those of 1870, but less than those of 1866 and 1869,
while the net receipts, during the last fiscal year, are less than those
of 1866, by the sum of $27,100.30.
The oyster interest is very heavily taxed under existing laws,
and the tongsmen in particular, on account of their poverty, and the
precarious nature of their employment, are entitled to the leniency
and commiseration of the General Assembly. I therefore recom-
mend that the license to catch oysters with tongs be discontinued.
Under the existing law, no provision is made for any abatement
in the cost of the license to dredge for oysters where the time for
such dredging has partially expired, but if the license is required
only for one month, the full price of three dollars per ton must be
I suggest that provision ought to be made for fractional licenses
to dredge for oysters, and that all such licenses be made to expire
on the fifteenth day of May.
I suggest also, that provision should be made to render licenses to
dredge transferable, as other licenses, upon sale and transfer of the
vessel, upon the purchaser exhibiting said transfer in writing, duly
witnessed, to the Comptroller or one of his clerks, and taking the
oath required by law, and having the same, entered on said license.
Statement "I" exhibits the productive and unproductive stocks,
composing the State's investments. Those designated as produc-
tive amount to $4,694,514.57, which added to the large amount due the
State from Collectors of Taxes, Incorporated Institutions, &c., bear-
ing interest, after deducting an allowance for such as may be
uncollectable, will foot up $1,718,452.94.