Comptroller of the Treasury
Annapolis, Dec. 22d, 1871.
To the Honorable, the General Assembly of Maryland:
In obedience to the Constitution and Laws of the State, I re-
spectfully submit the following report of the operations of the Fi-
nancial Department of the State Government, for the fiscal year
ended 30th September, 1871 :
The total receipts into the Treasury from all sources, during the
fiscal year ended 30th September, 1871, amounted to $2,072,998.78,
which sum, added to the balance in the Treasury 30th September
1870, viz: $492,750 17, makes the entire amount in the Treasury
for the fiscal year $3,165,748.95. Of this, the sum of $677,601.00
was raised from the sale of stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Bail
Road, under the Act of Assembly of January Session 1870, Chap-
ter 275; and the sum of $94,367.06 was derived from the invest-
ment of the increment of the "Sinking Fund" in the Maryland Do-
fence Loan, under the Act of Assembly, passed at January Session.
1868, Chapter 235; leaving the ordinary receipts for the fiscal year
to amount to $1,901,030.72, being larger than the receipts from or-
dinary sources for the fiscal year 1870, by the sum of $28,088.60.
Statement "A," appended to this report, exhibits, in detail, the
sources from which said amount has been derived.
The total disbursements, during the fiscal year, amounted to
$2,713,502.25. Of this amount, the sum of $616,238.66 was for the