Dividends and Interest Accounts, amounting in the whole to
$348,686 91.
The Columbia and Port Deposit Rail Road Company has received
during the fiscal year, all the balance of the appropriation of sixty
thousand dollars, made under the Act of 1860, Ch. 303, and the
bonds of the Company have been received by the Treasurer to the
same amount, as directed by the Act of 1868, Ch. 346. The coupons
of this Company have been promptly paid on presentation, and it is
believed that the interest on the amount appropriated will be punc-
tually met. The amount received from payment of the coupons of
this Company is the first return from appropriations for Internal
Improvements on the Eastern Shore.
The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company has paid six per-
cent, on the stock standing in the name of the State, which by the-
distribution of the surplus of the Company's income has been in-
creased to the sum of $81,250.00.
The Northern Central Railway Company has punctually paid the
annuity due under the agreement and compromise made by the
State with said Company.
The Susquehanna and Tide Water Canals are in arrears for the
interest due on the 1st day of July, 1871, notwithstanding all the
efforts of the Department to procure a settlement. Under the ad-
vice of the Attorney General, proceedings against the Companies
were withheld on the payment of the arrears to the 1st January,
1871, and the pledge of the officers of the Companies that the same
should thereafter be punctually met. It is for the Legislature to
determine what steps shall be taken to enforce the payment of the
sums .now due from these Companies, they having again failed to
comply with the terms of the Acts of Assembly of 1865, Chapter.
196, and 1866, Chapter 5.
The Balto. and Ohio Rail Road Company has promptly paid the
dividends on the Main Stem and Washington Branch, the former
amounting to $36,716.00, and the latter to $55,000.00, and the in-
terest on the sterling and converted bonds amounting to the sum of
$100,696.41. This Company is still in arrear for the one-fifth receipts
from passengers on the Washington Branch, no payment having
been made on this account during the fiscal year. A suit is now
pending to compel 'the payment of the sums due under this head at.
the time of the institution of the same.
Table No. 6 shows the amount of receipts during the fiscal year,
from tax on the interest of State stocks. No payment of the tax on.