whose location I am informed. The Act makes it the
duty of the President or Vice-President and Secretary of
each of the Companies annually, on the first day of Febru-
ary, or within one month thereafter, to prepare, under
their own oath, and deposit in the office of the Comptroller,
a statement of the condition of such Company, on the 31st
day of December then next preceding, according to the
form, prescribed by the Comptroller, which statements the
said Companies are required by said Act to have published
on the first Monday of March in the same year, daily for
one week in one or more newspapers of the place where
said Companies are located. This provision will do much
to guard the public from imposition by irresponsible cor-
porations, and to establish the credit of those whose foun-
dations are substantial, and which are under the direction
of well-known and trustworthy officers.
Table No. 14 shows the amount of taxes for the year
1870, due from Collectors of State taxes in the several
counties and city of Baltimore at the end of the fiscal year,
to be $510,338.09.
Table No. 15 shows a list of balances of State taxes for
various years, ranging from 1843 to 1869 inclusive, due
from Collectors, amounting in the aggregate to $546,039.78,
exclusive of interest.
Table No. 16 exhibits a list of balances due as of 30th
September 1870, by the Sheriffs of the counties.and city
of Baltimore, for a long series of years, amounting to $76,-
520.47; a small portion of this amount has been since
paid, and many of the items will probably be collected,
but a number of the older accounts are beyond hope, and
not worth bringing forward.
Table No. 17 shows a list of balances due by Clerks of
Courts, Registers of Wills, Notaries Public, Inspectors, &c.,
as of 30th September, 1870.