ceipts of 1867. This partly arises from two causes, the short-
ness of the crops and the charge by weight instead of mea-
sure as formerly.
The receipts from "Inspections of Tobacco" during the last
Fiscal Year, amount to $45,912.01, showing a deficit of
$9,137.80, compared with the previous year. Amount paid
for Salaries of Inspectors, Insurance, ground-rent and auction
room $18,534.60, leaving to the credit of the "Tobacco Fund"
$27,378.01. The short Maryland crop and the large quantity
of Pennsylvania and Ohio Tobacco still held in store, the In-
spectors assign as a reason for the diminished receipts from this
From "Inspectors of Flour," the sum of $19.81 has been
received as an excess of fees. I have used every exertion in
my power to make this Office a source of revenue, without
success thus far. I see no reason to change the opinion ex-
pressed to the Legislature one year ago, and still hope that
something may be done to prevent the absorption of the
entire receipts.
Subscriptions have been made by the Treasurer to the seve-
ral ''Eastern Shore Rail Roads," that have complied with
the provisions of Ch. 303 of 1860, and an amount equal to
the private subscriptions paid, to wit :
To the Bohemia Bridge Company, (being the bal-
ance due to that Company....................... $10,584 66
To the Dorchester and Delaware Rail Road...... 60,000 00
" " Kent and Queen Anne's Rail Road........ 20,000 00
" " Wicomico and Pocomoke Rail Road, the
full balance due this Company.............. 32,101 00
There has been paid for the expense of arming and equip-
ping the Militia of the State during the last "Fiscal Year,"
exclusive of the salaries of the Adjutant General, his clerk,
and the State Armorers, $219,095.43, and since the close of ;
of the "Fiscal Year" the further sum of $68,565.63. This-
includes all the bills for arming and equipping the militia ex-