made a source of revenue. There can be no reasonable
doubt but that, including the drawings, these Inspectors
receive much larger emoluments than the law allows. I
recommend the subject to your careful investigation.
In accordance with the provisions of the Act of 1860, chap.
303, subscriptions have been made by the Treasurer to the
several " Eastern Shore Rail Roads," and a portion of the
subscription paid.
To the " Maryland and Delaware Rail Road," $15,105.00,
the full balance; to " Wicomico and Pocomoke Rail
Road," $32,000, in part; to " Bohemia Bridge Company,"
$5,292.33, being part of the appropriation to Cecil county.
Both of these last appropriations will be paid in full, on
completion, during the current calendar year.
By an Act of Congress, approved July 2, 1862, and
accepted by the State, " Land Scrip" to the amount of
209,920 acres, for the benefit of " Agricultural and Mechan-
ical Arts," was delivered to one of my predecessors. On
the 20th of March last, having received sealed proposals
from several parties for the purchase, of said scrip, I laid the
matter before the Governor and treasurer, and with their
consent and approval accepted the offer of G. F. Lewis, Esq.,
of Cleveland, Ohio, at 53 59/100 per acre, realizing the sum of
$112,504. By the Act of 1866, chap. 53, an allowance of
ten per cent, is given the State of the proceeds of such sale
to reimburse in part for moneys advanced to the " Agricul-
tural College." Deducting the commission leaves the sum
of $101,253,60, of which sum $100,000 has been invested in
the " Southern Relief Fund," drawing interest at the rate
of six per cent, per annum, payable on the first of January
and July.
The entire payments were not made till June, and the
bonds were issued on the first of July, 1867. The first semi-
annual interest will be paid on the first of January, 1868.