chapter 144, to pay the school tax of twenty cents on every
hundred dollars of their capital stock.
A demand was made upon the banks for the payment of
this tax as contemplated by the Act of 1865, bat it was com-
plied with only in a few cases. The names of the banks, to-
gether with the amounts paid by them respectively, are given
in Statement "E."
The receipts on account of the Sinking Fund during the
fiscal year were $61,582.99, which added to the balance from
the previous year, of $177,178.72, make the aggregate sum
of $238,761.71; which remained to the credit of the Fund at
the close of the fiscal year.
The Inspectors of Grain paid into the Treasury during the
fiscal year $3,040.05, being the excess of receipts from inspec-
tions after the payment of salaries and expenses.
It will appear by Statement No. 8, that the gross receipts
from Tobacco Inspections were $118,331.34, and that the dis-
bursements amounted to $87,376.22, leaving a balance of
$30,955.12 as nett earnings of the Warehouses. The new re-
ceipts into the Treasury after deducting the salaries of Inspec-
tors, were $14,049.41.
The receipts from Inspection of Flour did not exceed, after
deducting expenses, the amount allowed by law to the In-
spectors for salaries, and no payments on this account were
made into the Treasury.
There was disbursed during the fiscal year on account of
bounties to Volunteers and others, the sum of $727,196.91; as
will appear by reference to Statement "K."
Of this amount, the sum of $429,290, was paid to Bounty
Commissioners; and the sum of $297,906.91 directly from
this department, to Volunteers and Masters.