wards ascertained, were slaves at the time of their enlistment,
and only entitled to one hundred dollars, and not to two hun-
dred and fifty dollars—the amount paid. The loss on this
account, so far as ascertained is about $7,000. Its extent
cannot he fully determined, until there is a settlement with
these, officers.
There was paid during the fiscal year on account of the
State's subscription to the stock of certain Rail Roads on the
Eastern Shore, made by virtue of the Act of 1860, chapter
303, the sum of $137,852.75, as follows:
To the Eastern Shore Rail Road Company..... $66,607 75
Maryland and Delaware Rail Road Com-
pany ............................. 56,245 00
Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail
Road Company .................... 15,000 00
The balances due the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central
and Eastern Shore Companies, have been paid in full. There
was due, at the close of the fiscal year, to the Maryland
and Delaware Company $15,105.00.
The Kent County Rail Road Company having complied
with the requirements of the Act of 1860, the Treasurer, on
the part of the State, has subscribed to its capital stock to the
amount of $101,525.
The probable receipts into the Treasury, under the present
revenue laws, within the current fiscal year which ends Sep-
tember ,30th, 1867, as will appear by Statement "C," are es-
timated at $2,010,000.
The disbursements during the current year are estimated
in Statement "D," at $2,007,690.00.
It will appear from Statement "J," that the present debt
of the State is $10,791,802.32.