with this branch of the duties of this office, have been oner-
ous, and such as justifies the employment of an additional
clerk, which I respectfully recommend.
I would also advise the appointment of a special agent for
the payment of all unpaid bounties, who shall give bond, re-
turn all properly certified rolls, and make quarterly state-
ments under oath to this Department. This would ensure
the prompt receipt by the volunteer of his money, and relieve
this Department of many oft-repeated and vexatious enquiries,
as to matters over which they have no control.
The collection of the taxes due from institutions for manu-
facturing and mining purposes, has been accompanied with
much difficulty. This arises from want of accurate informa-
tion as to the amount of their capital, date of incorporation
and places of business, enabling many of them to evade the
payment of their just dues to the State. The clerks of the
cities and counties of the State, should be required, under a
penalty, to make and transmit to this Department annually a
detailed list or statement under oath of all such institutions
as have been incorporated under the 40th section of Article
26th of the Code of Public General Laws.
During my short official career, a number of old cases of
indebtedness, accumulating from year to year, have been set-
tled. I have caused to be brought up to the close of the
fiscal year, on a docket, copies of the court entries in all suits
that have been instituted by the State, affording a ready
mode of ascertaining the condition of each particular one.
Many of them, I find to be hopelessly insolvent, both princi-
pal and sureties being dead, and their estates closed up, ex-
cluding all hope of recovery by the State. Some disposition
should be made of such claims, of which a list will be fur-
nished at your request by my successor.
I have this day surrendered this office for the purpose of
fulfilling the duties of another, to which I have been recently
elected ; and while acknowledging the pleasant and agree-
able character of my official intercourse with all the Depart-
ments of the State ; I have the gratification to know that I
leave the Treasury Department in a prosperous condition,
and that the affairs of this office are to be transferred into
the hands of a worthy and competent successor.
All of which is respectfully submitted,