TABLE No. 22.
A list of balances due by the Sheriffs of the Counties and the City
of Baltimore, as of September 30M, 1864.
Dolls. Cts.
Thomas Dowden, Sheriff of Allegany County
for 1839.........
375 70
Michael T. Porter, " "
for 1840.........
1 98
John M. Carlton, " '
for 1841 and '42..
897 33
Moses Rawlingi, " '
for 1846, '47 and '48
538 66
John Barnard, " "
for 1849, '50 and '51
175 03
Perry Shultz, " "
for. 1854 and '55..
397 56
Thos. G. McCulloch, " "
for 1863.........
40 00
Basil T. Garlitz, " "
for 1864.........
56 00
Benjamin T. Pindell, ' of Anne Arundel Co.
for 1844........
402 63
Pasamore McCullough, ' "
for 1863.........
625 00
John J. Daneker, " of. Baltimore City,
for 1864.........
198 92
Standish Barry, ' of Baltimore County
for 1827.........
1,919 62
H. S. Sanderson, " "
for 1836.........
467 99
Samuel P. Storm, ' "
for 1852 and '53...
207 25
William Pole, " "
for 1856 and '57..
279 00
Francis J. Wheeler, " "
for 1859 and '60...
302 10
H. L. Harrison, ' of Calvert County,
for 1833.........
249 06
John Hutchins, " "
for 1837.........
25 67
Richard E. Ireland, ' "
for 1841 and '42. . .
228 00
F. Stevens, " "
for 1845.........
8 00
Zachariah Bowen, "
for '52, '53, '62, '63
352 00
Harrison T. Turner, ' '
for 1857 and '58...
45 00
Thos. John Hutchins, " '"
for 1860..........
460 00
Lewis Trumbo, ' of Carroll County,
for 1846, '47 and '48
371 25
John M. Yingling, ' "
for 1854 and '55...
128 00
William S. Brown, " "
for 1852..........
12 00
William Segafoose, " "
for I860, '61 and '62
379 85
Jeremiah Babylon, "
for 1862 and '63 . . .
360 72
Joseph Ebaugh, " '
for 1864..........
72 25
John Jump, " of Caroline County,
for 1844 and '45...
419 85
Wm. Delahay, "
for 1846, '47 and '48
192 57
Edward L. Young, "
for 1849, '50 and '51
234 41
James H. Bar wick, "
for 1852 and '53...
145 53
T. S. Saulsbury, "
for 1854 and '55...
220 90
Alexander Knotts, "
for 1858 and '59...
117 90
J. W. Saulsbury,
for 1862 and '63...
2,390 62
Edward R. Wheeler, " of Charles County,
for 1841 and '42. . .
385 00
J. B. Lawson, "
for 1843, '44 and '45
58 32
J. ft. Robertson, "
for 1849, '50 and '51
133 66
Arthur Sraoot, "
for 1852 and '53...
173 25
Joseph R. Huntt, "
for 1854 and '55...
54 17
George W. Smith, "
for 1856 and '57...
20 00
Peter Wheeler, "
for 1859 and '60...
1,013 00
*George A. Huntt, "
for 1861, '62 and '63
370 00
Thomas J. Stewart, "
for 1863 and '64...
1,128 00
R. M. Walmsly, " of Cecil County,
for 1854 and '55...
38 50
John J. R. Poole, "
for 1856 and '57...
37 25
Eli Cosgrove, "
for 1862 and '63...
174 13
James S. Price, "
for 1864..........
437 00
Carried forward...................
* Since paid.