TABLE No. 15.
A Statement showing the Amount of Revenue accrued on the 30th September, 1864, for the year then ended, and
the Amount arising from each Branch thereof, and exhibiting a view of the difference between the Amount of
Revenue accrued and that received from each Branch thereof.
of Revenue
of Revenue
and other
between am't
rec'd & am't
Auction Duties, ......... ........................................................
$7,992 49
7,992 49
Auctioneers Licenses, .................................................................
6,450 00
6,450 00
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Co., for one-fifth of receipts from Passengers on Washington Branch,
219,386 13
219,386 13
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for interest on Sterling Bonds converted into currency, . .
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for interest on Dividend Bond No. 141, .................
45,072 50
600 00
45,072 50
600 00
*Bank Stock, for Dividends,..................................................................
29,976 27
29,976 27
Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Co., for Dividends on Stock in Main Stem and Washington Branch,
148,443 60
148,443 60
Baltimore and Yorktown Turnpike Company, for Dividends, .....................................
Direct and Bounty Tax,.....................................................................
Licenses for Agents of Foreign Insurance Companies, ............................................
Biliard Table Licenses, .....................................................................
162 50
428,605 28
11,600 00
3,816 67
162 50
244,518 78
11,600 00
3,726 83
13,735 41
89 84
170,351 09
Brokers Licenses,.............................................................................
7,090 11
7,007 55
82 56
Exhibition Licenses, .........................................................................
3,127 00
2,943 11
153 89
30 00
Inspectors and Guagers Licenses, ...............................................................
2,974 70
2,945 25
29 45
Hawkers and Pedlars Licenses,..................................................................
6,593 64
6,472 74
120 90
Marriage Licenses,, .........................................................................
17,628 00
16,989 76
530 24
108 00
Non-Resident Licenses,........................................................................
1,799 82
1,782 00
17 82
Ordinary Licenses,.............................................................................
23,236 56
22,251 58
949 57
35 41
Oyster House Licenses, ........................................................................
90,525 24
89,263 50
1,232 57
29 17
Race and Fishery Licenses, ................... ................................................
10 47
9 50
Traders Licenses,...............................................................................
124,626 86
121,552 72
2,992 64
81 50
Carried forward, ..................................................................
*The sums set down opposite this item is the amount paid into the Treasury; the accounts requiring to be adjusted before it can be ascertained what
had accrued.