TABLE No. 8.
Receipts into the Treasury in the year ended 30th September,
1864, from State Tobacco Inspections.
James T. .Perkins, Inspector Tobacco at Warehouse No. 1...................
$3,294 69
James Turner, " " " " 2...................
Philemon Griffith, " " " " 3...................
4,381 96
4,076 62
William Welsh, " " " " 4...................
6,675 00
John Moorehead, " " " " 6...................
6,190 64
$23,618 61
TABLE No. 8—Continued.
Statement showing balances due on account of Tobacco Inspec-
tions, as of 30th September, 1863; also receipts and disburse-
ments for the fiscal year ending 30th September. 1864.
There was due from Inspections of Tobacco, September 30th,
1863, as follows :
By James T. Perkins, Inspector No. 1................................
$401 78
" James Turner, " " 2..................................
326 68
" Philemon Griffith, " " 3................................
302 26
" William Welsh, " " 4,...............................
2,426 89
" John Moorehead, " " 5,...............................
1,494 33
$4,951 84
Gross receipts of the Warehouses for the year ending 30th
September 1864, were.......................................................
And there was disbursed for the same period the sum of
94,697 19
$67,401.47, on the following accounts :
Paid Wages to Laborers....................................$39,019 87
" to Clerks...................................................... 16,669 15
" Nail Bills..................................................... 5,550 19
" Incidental Expenses,...................................... 6,162 26
67,401 47
Leaving as nett earnings of the several Warehouses, for the
year ending 30th September, 1864......................................
27,295 72
$32,247 66
Less amount received during the fiscal year ending 30th Sep-
tember, 1864, as per Table above........................................
23,618 61
$8,628 95
Leaving balance due by the several Inspectors of $8,628.95, on
account of their several returns for the quarter ending 30th
September, 1864, viz :
James T. Perkins, Inspector No. 1,.....................................
626 65
James Turner, " " 2........................................
822 18
Philemon Griffith, " " 3........................................
2,231 31
William Welsh, " " 4...............................
1,811 27
John Moorehead, " " 5........................................
3,137 53
$8,628 95