TABLE No. 18.
A List of Balances due by the Clerks of Courts and Registers
of Wills, as of 30th September, 1863.
Dolls cts.
R. H. Mitchell, late Clerk Circuit Court for Charles County, for 1852,
$46 01
Lambert S. Norwood, late Clerk Court Common Pleas for Baltimore
City, 1853............................................................................
6,350 89
Samuel T. Stonestreet, late Clerk Circuit Court for Montgomery Co.,
for 1852.............................................................................
21 11
A. R. Sellers, late Clerk Circuit Court for Calvert County for 1851,
320 47
Thos. F. Garey, " " " " Caroline County, for 1854,
1855, 1856 and 1857..............................................................
1,809 84
Joseph H. Cooksey, late Clerk Circuit Court for Charles County, for
1858 and 1859....................................................................
2,327 00
William J. Hamill, late Clerk Court Common Pleas for Baltimore
City, for 1861.......................................................................
2,163 09
Otho H. Williams, late Clerk Circuit Court for Washington County,
1842 and 1843.....................................................................
234 48
William T. Maddox, late Clerk Circuit Court for St. Mary's Co.. 1851,
354 |9
Nathaniel Hickman, late Register of Wills, Baltimore City, for 1857
and 1858,...................................'........................................
7,434 18
L. L. Keene, late Register of Wills, Dorchester County, for 1861,....
W. J. Nicholson, " " Caroline County, for 1859.........
546 21
104 45
Ebenezar Welsh, " " Kent County, for 1851..............
24 68
William A. Parran, Register of Wills, Calvert County, for 1863.......
*James McCauley, " " Cecil County, for 1863,........,
61 54
501 83
*Thomas P. Parker, " " Worcester County, for 1863,...
362 99
Sydney C. Long, " " Somerset County, for 1863,...
12 13
Richard France, for balance of Lottery Contract............................
12,750 00
$34,429 74
*Since paid.