TABLE No. 13.—Continued.
Farmers and Merchants Bank of Baltimore, ............................
1,313 56
1,313 76
Allegany County Bank, ............................ ................
7 50
50 00
50 00
120 00
220 00
Bank of Westminster, .... ..............
217 36
217 36
Howard Bank of Baltimore, .........................................
583 94
583 94
Union Bank of Maryland, ...........................................
2,627 57
2,527 57
Merchants Bank of Baltimore, .......................................
3,562 50
3, 562 50
Bank of Commerce, .................................................
985 63
985 63
Easton Bank of Maryland,...........................................
311 75
311 75
Farmers and Merchants Bank of Greensboro' ...................... ....
6 28
250 00
250 00
Franklin Savings Bank of Frederick, ..............................
303 24
303 24
Cecil Bank, Port Deposit, ......................... .................
2 6]
240 00
242 61
Farmers and Merchants Bank of Frederick County, .....................
304 17
297 91
602 08
" " " Carroll " ......... ........
156 75
156 75
Citizens Bank of Baltimore, .........................................
1,187 50
1,187 50
Fredericktown Savings Institution,...................................
1,447 17
1,447 17
Washington County Bank,.........................................
332 00
328 53
660 53
Franklin Blank of Baltimore, ........................................
1,077 38
1,077 38
Western " " ........................................
1,435 01
1,435 01
Fell's Point Bank, ......... . . .....................................
831 28
831 28
Manchester Savings Institution, ......................................
8 41
29 13
37 54
Cumberland Bank of Allegany, ......................................
268 23
268 23
Frederick County Bank, .............................................
3 34
332 25
335 59
Marine Bank of Baltimore, ...........................................
933 05
933 05
Farmers and Planters Bank of Baltimore, .............................
2,063 64
2,063 64
Mechanics Bank of Baltimore, .......................................
1,161 06
1,161 06
American Coal Company, ...........................................
335 00
335 00
Allegany Mining Company, .........................................
3 04
250 00
250 00
Swanton Iron and Coal Company, ...................................
22 13
50 00
50 00
50 00
125 00
275 00
$105 98
50 00
48 00
586 23
4,218 81
28,568 43
33,571 47