A Statement showing the Total Receipts into the Treasury, in
the Fiscal year ended 30^ September, 1863, to have been
$1,870,105 72 ; which added to the balance in the Treasury,
as of 30th September, 1862, will make the aggregate in the
Treasury, during the Fiscal year, $2,316,854 91.
There was received into the Treasury in the year
ended 30th Sept., 1863, the sum of $1,870,105 72,
on the following accounts, viz :
From Auction Duties, ..........................
$6,110 00
" Auctioneer's Licenses, ....................
3,550 00
14,416 67
— " Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for
one-fifth of the receipts from passengers
on the , Washington Branch, .............
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for
207,640 51
Interest on Dividend Bond, No. 141, .....
750 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for
Interest on the Sterling Debt converted
into Currency, .......................
42,229 00
'' Bank Stock — for dividends, ................
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, 'for Dividends
33,444 76
on Stock in Main Stem and Washington........
102,972 00
' ' Direct Tax, ...............................
710,111 54
" " Interest on Personal Accounts........
on the Public Debt-a re-payment,
30,396 23
30 00
'' the Land Office,........'..................
327 05
' Licenses to Agents of Foreign Insurance.....
' Billiard Table.....................
11,400 00
3,004 62
" Brokers, ................ .....
8,222 71
' ' Exhibition, ...................
' Inspectors and Guagers.......
Hawkers and Pedlers, ..........
3,252 74
4,932 87
6,307 61
' Marriage, .....................
16,946 06
' Non-Resident, ...............
1,831 50
' Ordinary,.....................
23,075 58
' Oyster House, .................
79,417 50
" Race and Fishery, ..............
32 90
Carried forward,...............