TABLE 8—Continued.
STATEMENT showing balances due on account of Tobacco Inspec-
tions, as of 30th September, 1862 ; also the receipts and
disbursements for the Fiscal Year ending 30th Sept. 1863.
There was due from Inspections of Tobacco, September
30th, 1862, as follows:
By James T. Perkins, Inspector No. 1, ....... ........
$3,464 26
' James Turner, " " 2..................
3,686 64
" Philemon Griffith, " " 3, .................
2,552 67
' William Welsh, " " 4..................
1,730 90
' John Moorehead, " " 5...............
3,243 29
' Trueman Belt,......................... ..........
4 00
$14,681 76.
The gross receipts of the Warehouses for the year ending
30th September, 1863 were..................
$75,669 46
And there was disbursed for the same period, the sum of
$49,776 14, on the following accounts:
Paid wages to laborers, .................... $27,344 54
" to Clerks............................ 13,045 50
" Nail Bills............................ 4,494 17
" Incidental Expenses, .................. 4,891 93
49,776 14
Leaving as nett earnings of the several Warehouses, for
the year ending 30th September, 1863, ...............
25,893 32
$40,575 08
Less amount received during the Fiscal Year ending 30th
Sept. 1863, as per Table No. 8, above, ................
35, 623 24
$ 4,951 84
Leaving balance due by the several Inspectors, of $4,951.84
on account of their several returns for the quarter ending
30th September, 1863, viz :
J. T. Perkins, Inspector No. 1, .......................
401 78
* James Turner, " " 2,........................
326 58
* Philemon Griffith, " " 3,........................
302 26
* William Welsh, " " 4.........................
2,426 89
* John Moorehead, " " 5.........................
1,494 33
$4,951 84
* Since Paid.