Of the State's Capital and Credits as of September 30th, 1863.
Dolls, cts.
Dolls, cts.
Stock of the Farmers Bank of Maryland, .........
$75,090 00
'' Bank of Baltimore, .................
174,000 00
'' Union Bank of Maryland, ...........
31,800 00
" Hagerstown Bank..................
'' Central Bank of Frederick, ..........
20,000 00
34,850 00
'' Easton Bank of Maryland, ..........
30,000 00
" Commercial and Farmers Bk of Balto.
21,666 66
" Farmers and Merchants Bank of Balto.
12,000 00
" Marine Bank of Baltimore, ..........
10,000 00
'' Franklin Bank of Baltimore, ........
7,500 00
" Mechanics Bank of Baltimore, .......
46,500 00
463,406 66
" Main Stem of the Baltimore and Ohio
Rail Road Co., including Dividend
Bond, No. 571, converted, ........
891,200 00
" Washington Branch Rail Road, ......
550,000 00
" Baltimore and Fredericktown Turnpike
Road Company, ..................
10,000 00
" Balt. & Yorktown Turnpike Road Co.
5,000 00
1,456,200 00
Bonds of the Susquehanna & Tide Water Canal Co.
1,000,000 00
1,000,000 00
" Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal,
Funded Debt,....................
192,500 00
192,500 00
" Susquehanna and Tide Water Canal,
on which they pay interest, .......
72,425 46
72,425 46
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, Divi-
dend Bond, No. 141, .......... ...
10,000 00
10,000 00
Mortgage of the Northern Central Railway Go.....
1,500,000 00
1.500,000 00
Bonds of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Co....
260,000 00
260,000 00
Stock of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, Com-
pany, on which they pay the interest
in London, .............. .......
2,372,222 22
2,372,222 22
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Com-
pany, converted, .................
901,450 00
901,450 00
" Union Manufacturing Company, .....
Due from Collectors, Sheriffs, Registers, Inspectors,
10,000 00
10,000 00
Auctioneers, &c., .................
877,821 25
877,821 25
Interest on Collectors Accounts,..... .
173,384 71
173,384 71
$9,289,410 30
Bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Co.....
2,000,000 00
Loan of the Pres. and Directors of Potomac Co
30,000 00
Interest thereon to 16th May, 1825..................
13,280 00
Stock of the Potomac Company, ..... ..........
120,444 44
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company's Stock,
5,000,060 00
*Subscribed for deferred Block of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, per Chapter 180,
of 1825, sec. 19