STATEMENT E—Continued.
Brought forward, .................
Central Bank of Frederick, .........................
$1,410 30
Eastern Bank of Maryland, .........................
1,581 00
$8,456 54
State 6 per cent. Stock, ............................
521 33
Baltimore City 6 per cent, Stock, ....................
6,783 54
York and Cumberland Rail Road Bond...............
3,630 00
Surplus Revenue— transferred, ....................
34,069 36
School Fund for Indigent Blind — transferred — for 1863,
6,000 00
Making an aggregate of ................
137,520 90
Of this aggregate there was disbursed, in the year
ended 30th September, 1863, the sum of $100,521 92,
on the following account, viz :
Allegany County, .................................
3,294 60
Charles County, ...................................
2,607 62
Calvert County, ..................................
3,018 22
Baltimore City, ...................................
8,251 42
Frederick County, ................................
5,203 12
Montgomery County, .............................
7,960 98
Prince George's County, ........................
6,889 28
Baltimore County, ..............................
4,387 97
Queen Anne's County, .............................
3,514 00
Kent County, ....................................
3,405 74
Dorchester County, ................................
3,746 85
Washington County, ............................
4,612 37
Somerset County, .................................
3,871 71
Carroll County, ...............................
4,145 90
Talbot County, ....................................
3,833 66
Harford County, ...................................
4,014 59
Cecil County, ...................................
3,934 11
Anne Arundel County, .............................
7,097 97
Howard County, ................................
6,456 31
St. Mary's County, .............................
3,344 04
Caroline County, ...............................
2,688 12
Tuition of the Indigent Blind......................
4,283 34
100,521 93
Balance remaining in the Treasury to the credit of the
"Free School Fund," as of 30th September, 1863,. .
$36,998 98
On the 30th September, 1862, there remained to the
credit of the "Sinking Fund," the sum of.........
And there was received in the year ended 30th Septem-
132,399 38
ber, 1863, the sum of $276,769 03, from the follow-
ing sources, viz :
Baltimore City 6 per cent. Stock, for interest.........
3,000 00
" " 6 per cent. Water Stock...............
6,273 00
State of. Maryland 6 per cent. Stock, .................
73,824 07
" " 5 " " .................
182,125 30
" " 4 1/2 " ".............
1,091 48
" 3 " ............
5,085 96
" " 5 " Coupons.................
5,369 22
276,769 03
$409,168 41
Of this sum there has been disbursed in the year
ended 30th September, 1863, the sum of $270,624 89,
on account of the Sinking Fund, viz :
To investments for the use of the Sinking Fund, ......
270,624 89
Balance to the credit of the Sinking Fund, as of 30th
September, 1863, ................................
138,543 52
$409.168 41
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