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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1861
Volume 225, Preface 4   View pdf image (33K)
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The disbursements of the Treasury, as shown by Statement
B, for the fiscal year just ended, amount to the sum of $1,-
046,356 41, being $83,013 21 less than those of 1859, and
$259,686 67 than those of 1860.

Deducting the disbursements from the receipts, leaves a
balance in the Treasury at the close of the fiscal year 1861,
of $170,044 42. This balance is, however, subject to a vari-
ety of charges, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of
$291,569 71, which would leave an apparent deficit of $121,-
525 29 against the Treasury.

For the particular accounts upon which the revenue was
so received and disbursed, reference is made" to Statements A
and B.

The probable receipts into the Treasury during the current
fiscal year are estimated at the sum of $1,130,855 28.

Statement C, will show the basis upon which this estimate
is made.

The probable demands upon the Treasury during the cur-
rent, fiscal year are estimated at the sum of $989,376 00.

Statement D, will show the several demands upon which
this estimate is founded.

These estimates are made upon the existing laws, without
reference to future legislation or regard to the present dis-
turbed condition of the country.


There remained to the credit of the Free School Fund, at
the close of the fiscal year of 1860, the sum of $19,432 23,
and there was received on account thereof during the fiscal
year of 1861, the sum of $79,989 35, making the aggregate
$99,421 55.

That during the fiscal year of 1861, there was disbursed
the sum of $86,488 60, leaving a balance at the close thereof
of $12,932 95 to the credit of said Fund.


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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1861
Volume 225, Preface 4   View pdf image (33K)
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