Appendix. The returns of one-fifth of the receipts from
passengers on the Washington Branch were $77,821.95 ; be-
ing, apparently, a considerable reduction as compared with
the sum realized from the same source during the preceding
year. During the fiscal year, ending 30th September, 1859,
there was received from this source $119,923111; but of
this amount, $38,396.56 accrued during the preceding
year, leaving the sum of $71,636.55 as the amount which
actually accrued during the fiscal year ending 30th of Sep-
tember, 1859. This shows the receipts for the fiscal year
ending 30th September, 1860, to have exceeded the receipts
for the preceding fiscal year by the sum of $6,285.40.
The receipts for interest on Dividend Bonds Nos. 141 and
571 were $19, 111. 20.
The receipts from Stock Dividends on the Road, which are
set down in Table No. 13, amounted to $90,636.
The discontinuance on the part of the State of her suit
against this Company has fortunately assisted in relieving
the Treasury ; and no one can scan the figures of this Report
without being convinced how important a wise and skilful
management of this great public work (such as it now emi-
nently receives) is to the interest of the Commonwealth.
The revenue which accrued to the State from these Compa-
nies in the fiscal year was $71,444.54, and the sum actually
received into the Treasury was $33,000, leaving them in ar-
rear for the year to the extent of $38,444.54. This is in ad-
dition to the arrears of 1858 and 1859, which were $95,504.
48 ; making an aggregate indebtedness of $133,949.02.
The Act of 1860, chapter 372, directed the Comptroller to
state an account with these Companies for the interest and
exchange on the bonds of the State for $1,000,000, issued to
the said Companies by chapter 416, of 1838; and to credit
thereon all sums paid into the Treasury of the State, by or on
account of said Companies. The Comptroller has been en-
gaged in the examination of this matter, and will accomplish
the task imposed upon him at the earliest possible period.