The probable demands upon the Treasury for the Fiscal Year, at
estimated by the Comptroller,
For Salaries to the following Civil Officers:
The Governor,..............................
$3,600 00
" Secretary of State...............
1,000 00
" Private Secretary to the Governor..........
800 00
" Comptroller of the Treasury,.............
2,500 00
" Treasurer,.............................
2,500 00
" Commissioner of the Land Office,...........
200 00
" " under ch. 23 of 1841,.......
50 00
" Librarian, ...............................
1,000 00
'' " for compensation under Res. 12, of 183i
75 00
" Judiciary, including Special Judges and State
subscription to Maryland Reports,.....
43,000 00
" Clerks to the Comptroller, .................
1,900 00
'* Clerk to the Treasurer,....................
1,200 00
" State Agricultural Chemist,................
2,000 00
" Commissioners of Public Works,............
800 00
" Secretary of the Senate,...................
300 00
" Chief Clerk of the House of Delegates, ......
300 00
" State Reporter, ..........................
500 00
61,725 00
For the following; Miscellaneous Expenses:
" House of Refuge, .......................
10,000 00
" Home of the Friendless, ................
5,000, 00
" Hospital for the Insane, ..................
50,000 00
' Night Watchmen to Pub. Buildings & Grounds
840 00
' Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds,. . .
350 00
' Keeper of Public Buildings and Grounds,.....
360 00
' Md. Institute for promotion of Mechanic Arts,
500 00
450 00
" Printing Blank Licenses for the Comptroller,. .
1,200 00
' Comptroller's Annual Report — for Printing,...
600 00
' Keeper of the Public Records,...............
1,000 00
' Distribution of the Maryland Reports........
50 00
70,350 00
For the following Contingent Expenses:
The Executive Contingent Fund..........
6,000 00
" Library Contingent Fund ...................
1,300 00
" Holders of Coupons not Funded,............
5,000 00
" Fuel and Lights,..........................
1,000 00
Contingent Fund of Treasury Department,... .
1,000 00
Donations to Colleges, Academies and Schools,
23,069 00
Free Schools, inclusive of Instruction for Blind,
34,500 00
Education of Deaf and Dumb,..............
3,500 00
Augmentation of Library, ............
500 00
Blind Asylum ............................
4,000 00
5,000 00
Maryland Penitentiary, for Officers' salaries,. .
8,000 00
Commissions to Attorneys,..................
5,000 00
Purchase of Arms for the State,............
40,000 00
1,600 00
State Tobacco Warehouses in Baltimore, in-
cluding Insurance........................
23,500 00
Interest on the Public Debt,................
665,000 00
Postage for incentive and Treasury departments
2,000 00
Auction Duties to Baltimore city............
18,000 00
Annapolis and Elkridge Rail Road,..........
7,000 00
State Agricultural College..................
6,000 00
Special Judges,...........................
2,500 00
Stationery for Legislature..................
3,000 00
866,469 00
$998,544 00