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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1860
Volume 224, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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TABLE No. 21—Continued.


Dolls. Cts.

John Greenwood, Sheriff of Kent county, for 1854 ..........

23 63

Enoch Crouch, '' do. do. for 1860..........

2 16

Richard Waters, ' Montgomery do. for 1836...........

16 91

Daniel H. Candler, ' do. do. for 1844 and '45. . .

67 80

Philip J. Connell, ' do. do. for 1852 and '53...

187 00

Matthew Fields, ' do. do. for 1854 and '55 ...

415 00

Browning, ' do. do. for 1855 and '56...

1,173 50

John T. Benson, ' do. do. for 1858..........

1,157 00

George Semmes, ' P. George's do. for 1827 ..........

286 60

Edward Belt, ' do. do. for 1828, '29 and '30

220 01

Thomas Bnce, " do. do. for 1831, '32 and '33

4,349 59

Thomas Baldwin, ' do. do. for 1834, '35 and '36

4,684 61

Eli S. Baldwin, ' do. do. for 1843 and '45 ..

634 67

John R. Baden, ' do. do for 1846, '47 and '48

3,602 66

James J. Chew, " do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51

19 16

T. H. Osbourne, of C., ' do. do. for 1854 and '55...

475 69

John W. Webster, ' do. do. for 1858 and '59...

820 00

Daniel R. Dyer, " do. do. for 1860..........

25 00

James T. Perkins, " Q. Anne's do. for 1852 and '53 ...

40 50

James C. Dillen, '' do. do. for 1854 and '55...

475 69

Samuel S. Boggs, " Somerset do. for 1852..........

23 65

John Greenwell, ' St. Mary's do. for 1847 ..........

160 00

John B. Hayden, do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51

33 66

James Johnson, do. do. for 1851 ..........

1 66

William Lowe, Talbot do. for 1849, '50 and '51

27 13

Thomas Keller, Washington do. for 1842...........

504 81

Thomas Martin, do. do. for 1846, '47 and '48

109 31

Benj. A. Garlinger, do. do. for 1855 and '56...

175 50

John W. Quinn, Worcester do. for 1851...........

7 70

Ambrose M. Payne, ' do. do. for 1858 and '59....

162 00

Win. P. Harper, ' do. do. for 1860...........

700 00


$37,544 11



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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1860
Volume 224, Page 36   View pdf image (33K)
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