A Statement showing the Total Receipts into the Treasury, in
the Fiscal Year ended 30th September, 1860, to have been
$1,048,339 67; which added to the balance in the Treasury,
as of 30th of September, 1859, will make the aggregate in the
Treasury, during the Fiscal Year, $1,561,630 83.
There was received into the Treasury, in the year
ended 30th September, 1860, the sum. of $1,048-
339.67, on the following accounts, viz:
From Auction Duties, (See Table No. 2.) .........
$13,129 08
" Auctioneers' Licenses, (see Table No. 2.) .....
5,900 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for one-fifth of
receipts from passengers on Washington
" Branch Road, (see Table No. 5.)..........
77,821 95
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for interest on
Sterling Bonds, converted, (see Table No.5.)
33,517 00
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, for interest on
Dividend Bonds No. 141 and 571, (see. Ta-
ble No. 5.).............................
19,111 20
" Bank Stock— for dividends, (see Table No. 13.)
45,444 36
" Costs of Suits [re-payment,] Table No. 8......
" Direct Taxes, (see Table No. 3)............
13 27
249,792 09
" Excess of Fees over and above the sum limited
by the Constitution, and under ch. 444, of
1853, (see Table No. 4.)............
10,814 57
" Fines and Forfeitures, (see Tables No. 4 & 16.)
1,969 21
" Grain Inspections in Baltimore/Table No. 11 .
" Hay Scales in Baltimore, (see Table No . 12.) .
7,274 47
1,282 16
" Interest on Public Debt, [a re-payment,] see
Table No. 8.... ..........
2,056 77
" Interest on Personal Accounts, (see Table
No. 3, 4, 9, 16.)....................
2,474 06
" Live Stock Scales in Baltimore, (see Table
No. 12.).............................
10,053 89
" The Land Office, (see Table No. 8.) .........
851 23
" Licenses from Clerks of Courts, (see Table
No. 4.).............................
272,285 77
" Licenses to Agents of Foreign Corporations, (see
Table No. 10.).......................
8,600 00
" Manure Inspections, (see Table No. 11) ......
10 49
" Northern Central Railway Co., on account of
interest in arrear, (see Table No. 5.). . . . . .
10,000 00
Road Stock— for Dividends, (see Table No. 13.
90,636 00
" Susquehanna & Tide- Water Canal Companies,
on account of interest, (see Table 5.). . . .
33,000 00
Carried Forward ....................