TABLE No. 5.
Receipts into the Treasury, in the year ended 30th September,
1860, on the several Accounts herein mentioned.
Cent. Rail-
way Co.
Susq. and
Canal Cos.
Bait, and
Ohio R. R.
The Northern Central Railway
Company, on account of interest
in arrear .....................
10,000 00
10,000 00
The Baltimore & Ohio Rail Road
Company, for one-fifth of the re-
ceipts of .Passengers on the Wash-
ington Branch............
77,821 95
77,821 95
The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Company, for interest on sterling
bonds converted.............
33,517 00
33,517 00
The Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road
Company, for interest on dividend
bonds No. 141 and 571 .........
19,111 20
19,111 20
The Susquehanna and Tide- Water
Canal Companies, on account of
interest in arrear..............
33,000 00
33,000 00
$ 10,000 00
33,000 00
130,450 15
173,450 15
TABLE No. 6.
A Statement showing the gross receipts and expenditures of the
State's Tobacco Inspection Warehouses in Baltimore city, in the
fiscal year ended 30th September, 1860.
Gross receipts from the State's Tobacco Inspections in the
city of Baltimore, in the year ended 30th September
86,606 38
And there was disbursed in the same period the sum of
$81,510.08 on the following accounts, viz:
Paid for Wages to Laborers, and incidental expenses.
58,195 80
Paid for Salaries of Inspectors, Clerks, and for nails.
23,314 28
81,510 08
Leaving the sum of $5,096.30 applicable to paying for
building Warehouses, Interest, &c...................
$5,096 30