Companies from all taxation. The policy of these exemp-
tions may well be doubted; they are made a ground of com-
plaint on the part of the people who reasonably expect that
every portion of the community should fairly contribute, in
accordance with its ability, to sustain the burthens of the
The law passed in 1856, requiring the publication of offi-
cers in default to the State, was complied with; but no ap-
propriation having been made in anticipation of the expense to
be incurred in its execution, the immediate passage of ail act
making the requisite appropriation, is respectfully recom-
The law referred to has caused much additional labor in
this office, but it has unquestionably served to Accelerate
payments into the Treasury.
TABLE No. 2, will be found to contain the amount of re-
ceipts, into the Treasury, during the fiscal year on various
accounts, to wit: from Licenses, Taxes on Plaintiffs, on Civil
Commissions, on Commissions of Trustees and Receivers.
from Fines, and excess of Officers' Fees, making an aggre-
gate of $262,180.11, which exceeds the receipts derived from
the same sources in 1856 to the extent of $7,003.35. In this
comparison the Revenue arising from Stamp Duties is ex-
The Licenses Act, passed in. 1856, has largely increased the
revenue and the increase would have been from $25,000 to
$30,000, greater but for the reduction of the lowest grade of
Traders' Licenses from $12 to $6.
In the Report which the Comptroller had the honor to
submit to the Governor in the preceding fiscal year, the fact
was mentioned that this new License Law imposes no penalty
for its violation, and although those of former laws have been
decided by the Courts to apply, yet the rates of licenses in
many instances having been altered, it would seem to be ne-
cessary that the penalties should be made to conform thereto.