A list of balances due by the Sheriff's of the Counties and the City of Bal-
timore, as of the 30th September 1855.
Dolls. Cts.
Benjamin T. Pindle,
Sheriff of
Anne Arundel county, for 1844,............
402 63
Thomas Dowden,
Allegany county, for 1839,.................
275 70
Michael T. Porter,
do. do. for 1840,.................
1 98
John M, Carlton,
do. do. for 1841 and '42,...........
897 33
Moses Rawlings,
do. do. for 1846, '47 and '48,........
528 66
John Barnard,
do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51,........
173 78
G. M. Sleeker,
do, do. for 1852 and '53,............
317 00
Perry Shultz,
do. do. for 1854 and '55,............
1,403 73
Standish Barry,
Baltimore do. for 1827,. ...................
1,919 62
Samuel P. Storm,
do. do, for 1852 and '53,............
6C1 00
Pleasant Hunter,
do. do. for 1854 and '55...........
5,157 95
H S. Sanderson,
Baltimore city, for 1836,...... ..........
467 97
Charles F. Cloud,
do. do. for 1851,.................
2,628 16
Samuel Hindes,
do. do. for 1854 and '55,............
927 85
H. L. Harrison,
Calvert county, for 1833,. ...................
249 06
John Hutchins,
do. do. for 1837,. ...................
25 67
Richard E Ireland,
do. do. for 1841 and '42...........
228 00
Thos. B. Billingsley,
do. do. for 1850 and '51..............
36 16
John Y. Bowen,
do. do. for 1852 and '53...........
5 00
Edward L. Wheeler,
Charles do. for 1841 and '42,............
385 00
John B Lawson,
do. do. for 1843, '44 and '45.......
58 32
Joseph Stewart,
do. do. for 1846, '47 and '48,. ........
76 66
John R Robertson,
do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51 ..........
133 66
Arthur Smoot,
do do. for 1852 and '53,............
51 75
John Jump,
Caroline do. for 1844 and '45,..........
419 85
Daniel Delahay,
do. do. for 1846, '47 and '48,. ........
206 38
Edward L S. Young
do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51,. ........
234 41
James H. Barwick,
do. do. for 1852 and '53,............
145 53
Lewis Trumbo,
Carroll do. for 1846, '47 and '48,......
371 25
Hanson T. Webb,
do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51,. ........
16 16
Wm a. Brown,
do. do. for 1852,. ...................
4 00
William Hanes,
Cecil do. for 1849, '50 and 51 ..........
132 76
John Janney,
do. do. for 1852,..................
299 28
R. M. Walmsly,
William B. Dail,
do. do. for 1854 and '55,..........
Dorchester do. for 1845,....................
7 00
2 25
John Richardson,
do. do. for 1849, '50, and '51,. .......
720 75
Kendall M. Jacobs,
do. do. for 1848,. ...................
21 23
John E. Applegarth,
do. do. for 1854 and '55,..........
, 6 00
Caspar Mantz,
Frederick do. for 1853,..................
75 32
Israel C O'Neal,
do. do. for 1854 and '55,............
428 53
Preston McComas,
Harford do. for 1835 and '36,. ............
197 50
Wm G. Burke,
do. do. for 1846, '47 and '48,. ......
527 66
Robert McGraw,
do. do. for 1849, '50 and 51..........
17 22
R. H. Bussey,
do do. for 1852 and '53,...........
23 25
John S Dallano,
do do. for 1854,...................
55 00
Washington Gaither,
Howard do. for 1846, '47 and '48.......
334 41
Charles G. Haslup,
do. do. for 1849, '50 and '51,.........
579 33
Seth W. Warfield,
do. do. for 1852 and '53,...........
3 00