No. 1.
A Statement showing the total Receipts into the Treasury, in the Fiscal Year,
ended 30th September, 1855, to have been $1,200,762.58, which, added
to the balance in the Treasury, as of 30th September, 1854, will make the
aggregate in the Treasury, during the Fiscal Year, $1,578,886.56.
There was received into the Treasury, in the year ended 30th
September 1855, the sum, of $1,200,762.58, on the following
accounts, viz:
From Auction Duties,....................................
" Auctioneers' Licenses,..............................
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for one fifth of
$18.199 39
10,250 00
receipts from passengers on the Washington Branch road,
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for interest on
67,972 39
Sterling Bonds converted,. .................
" Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, for interest on
18,567 50
Dividend Bond, No. 141,.........................
" Bank Stock — for dividends,..........................
'' Bank Bonus,. .........................................
" Exhibition Licenses, . .................................
" Excess of Fees, over and above the sum limited by the Con
600 00
38,545 96
1,955 16
2,971 92
stitution, and under ch. 444 of 1853,................
" Fuel and Lights — a repayment,. . ......................
" Fines and Forfeitures,...............................
" Gaugers' and Inspectors' licenses,. .....................
" Hay Scales in Baltimore.............................
" Interest on Personal Accounts,. ......................
" Keeper of Records of the Court of Chancery,. ...........
" Live Stock Scales in Baltimore,..'. ......................
" Land Office,. .........................................
" Licenses to Agents of Foreign Corporations,...........
" to Woodhucksters,.......................
" to Keepers of Billiard Tables,. .................
" to Brokers,. ..................................
" to Non-residents,...........................
" to Keepers of Ordinaries,. .....................
" to Hawkers and Pedlars,. ......... - ...........
8,392 80
210 75
3,125 64
5,197 50
1,253 34
6,81 15
60 84
10,535 67
659 39
2,800 00
1,351 02
1,693 58
7,206 79
5,363 82
38,185 86
6,553 15
Carried Forward,............................