Insurance Brokers should be requited to take out a similar License and
be subject to penalties, like those enacted for the punishment of Agents,
A law, somewhat similar to that passed by the Legislature of Ohio in
May 1854, and adopted by the States of Indiana and Illinois, in relation to
this subject, would prove beneficial to the interests of the State.
There should be an appropriation to meet any demands on the Treasury
made by the presentation of Coupons in arrear, which were not funded
under the provisions of chapter 238 of 1846.
They are, from time to time, presented in small sums, and their pay-
ment should be promptly met.
Your attention is particularly due to the necessity of making some pro-
vision by law for the loss of certificates or other evidences of the State debt,
in pursuance of the authority contained in section 3 of Article IV. of the
A case has arisen by the loss of the Steamship Arctic, by which the
owners of a portion of the public debt have been deprived of the interest
due thereon, because there was no law authorising the payment of interest,
except on production and surrender of the original Coupon.
The appropriation made by chapter 21 of 1854 does not fully pay the
indebtedness of the State to Messrs. Barrings Brothers & Co., on the account
therein mentioned, and it will be necessary, for the entire liquidation of the
debt, to increase the sum appropriated. A copy of their Statement to this
Department accompanies this Report.
The expense, which has attended the sessions of the Committees ap-
pointed in pursuance of Resolution No. 8 of 1840, has become a serious
and unnecessary charge upon the Treasury. The cost of the Coupon
Committee has been more than $1,000 almost every year since 1844, and
ERRATA —On pages 15, 16 & 17, "Barrings Brothers &. Co." should be,
Barings Brothers & Co.