A List of Counties indebted, to 30th September 1854,for Colonization Tax,
per chapter 281 0/1831.
Dolls. Cts.
Allegany county, for 1842, '44, '47 and '49, .................................
Howard county, for 1840, '46, '48, '49, '50 and '51,. .........................
Calvert county, for 1840 and '41,.. .........................................
Caroline county, for 1844, '46, '47 and '50,. .................................
Charles county, for 1840, '41, '42, '49, '50 and '51,. .........................
Dorchester county, for 1838, '39, '40, '49, '50 and 51,. .......................
Kent county, for 1860,. ...................................................
Saint Mary's county, for 1851,.. ...........................................
Talbot county, for 1843 and '51,... .........................................
Washington county, for 1849 and '51,.. .....................................
Montgomery county, for 1834, '35, '36, '37, '40 and '41,. .....................
Queen Ann's county, for 1841, '42 and '46,. .................................
Harford county, for 1844 and '45,. .........................................
Prince George's county, for 1847,. .........................................
$178 28
1,469 60
208 76
454 48
2,226 96
2,024 97
305 12
13 94
283 45
517 01
2,043 96
916 29
12 26
380 26
$11 025 24
A List of Balances due, as of 30th September 1854, by Sundries.
Dolls. Cts.
William C. Reeder, late Tobacco Inspector, in Baltimore, at Warehouse No. 1,.
Trueman Belt, late Tobacco Inspector, in Baltimore, at Warehouse No. 1,. . . . .
John J. Gross, late Auctioneer, in Baltimore,. ...............................
Harrison Daws, late Auctioneer, in Baltimore,. ...... .....................
John H. Naff, late Auctioneer, in Baltimore,. ...............................
Edward Soper, late Auctioneer, in Baltimore, .. .............................
John Coulson, Auctioneer, in Baltimore,. ...................................
43,099 90
4 00
223 63
100 13
243 76
37 35
13 66
$2,723 43