Of the Free School Fund and of the Sinking Fund constituting the Funds, he
submits the following additional Report, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter
82, of 1853, Section 2.
On the 30th September, 1863, there remained in
the Treasury, to the credit of the Free School
Fund, -
And there was received in the Treasury, in the
months of October and November, 1853, on
account of the Free School Fund, the sum of
$4,245.60, from the following sources, viz :
From 20 cents tax on the Capital of Frederick-
$30,802 66
town Savings Institution, -
60 00
From Dividends of Stock standing to the credit
of the Treasurer of the Western Shore, in the
following Banks, viz :
60 00
Farmers' Bank of Maryland, -
Farmers' and Merchants' Bank of Baltimore, -
Commercial and Farmers' Bank of Baltimore, -
2,684 00
246 60
1,405 00
4,186 60
Making an aggregate of, -
And there was disbursed, in the months of Oc-
tober and November, 1883, the sum of $18,-
958.36, on the following accounts, viz :
35,048 26
To Washington County, -
" Anne Arundel County, -
" Howard County, -
" Frederick County, -
" Tuition of Indigent Blind, -
3,237 99
2,783 26
2,530 19
4,678 26
728 66
And there remained in the Treasury, to the credit
of the Free School Fund, as of the 30th No-
18,958 96
vember, 1853, the sum of -
Receipts on account of the Free School Fund, in
the fiscal year ended 80th September, 1853,
21,080 90
was - - - - - -
Receipts during the months of October and No-
62,678 00
vember, 1853, -
4,245 60
Balance in the Treasury, as of the 1st Decem-
66,018 60
ber, 1852, -
20,527 49
Making an aggregate of
87,446 09
Aggregate in the Treasury in the course of the
year, including the months of October and
November, 1853, was -
Of this aggregate there was disbursed, in the
fiscal year ended the 30th September, 1853,
87,446 09
the sum of -
And there was disbursed in the months of Octo-
52,897 88
ber and November, 1868, the sum of
18,968 86
And there remained in the Treasury, to the credit
of the Free School Fund, as of the 30th No-
66,356 19
vember, 1863, the sum of -
$21,086 90