Brought forward ..........
$1,170,505 47
Pensions .....................
Colleges, Academies and Schools.
Penitentiary ..................
Civil Officers .................
Annapolis and Elkridge Railroad
2,834 16
13,327 57
6 000 00
12,231 00
Company. .................
Militia ......................
State Colonization. ............
Indigent Deaf and Dumb .......
State Tobacco Warehouses in Bal-
3,604 52
908 33
6,000 00
1,147 91
timore .....................
Surplus Revenue. .............
Sinking Fund ................
Contingent Fund for the Library.
Special Appropriations. ........
Tobacco Inspections in Baltimore
Executive Contingent Fund.
Fuel and Lights ...............
Contingent Fund for the Treasury
3,107 98
34,069 36
42,407 21
4,619 45
48,318 31
14,774 49
2,702 74
2,399 57
Department ................
Public Buildings ..............
Public Printing. ..............
Legislature ..................
Postage of the Legislature and
Offices at the Seat of Govern-
488 18
413 00
10,436 99
76,849 29
ment. .....................
Penitentiary 5 per cent, stock, ch
3,198 71
150, of 1821, (redeemed,)
Railroad 5 per cent, stock, ch. 105
40,234 44
of 1833, (redeemed,)........
Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more. .....................
14,921 84
9,000 00
And there remained in the Trea-
sury, on the 30th September
825,147 67
1853, a balance of. ..........
Subject to the following charges
viz :
$345,357 80
To pay Commissions to Attorneys
" Civil Officers...........
" Judiciary. .............
" Augmentation of the Li-
115 12
4,795 50
7,643 07
brary ................
Carried forward. ..........
308 00