Bonds of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, (dividend bonds,) ...
" Trustees of Charlotte Hall School, - - -
" Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad, ....
Due from Sheriffs, Collectors, Auctioneers, Clerks, Inspectors, &c.,
Stock of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, ...
10,000 00
2,666 67
1,884,045 29
761,713 01
50,000 00
5,623,082 63
Bonds of the Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad Company,
" Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, -
Loan to the President and Directors of the Potomac Company,
Interest thereon to 16th May, 1825, -
Stock of the Potomac Company, ------
" Union Manufacturing Company, -
" Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, . - -
" Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, -
" Baltimore and Susquehanna Railroad Company,
" Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad Company, -
" Eastern Shore Railroad Company, ....
" Nanticoke Bridge Company, .....
1,035,080 75
2,000,000 00
30,000 00
13,280 00
120,000 00
10,000 00
3,000,000 00
5,000,000 00
100,000 00
299,378 41
86,862 00
4,333 33
Amount carried forward, -------
5.623,082 63
* Subscribed for Deferred Stock of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, per ch. 180, of 182o, sec. 19.