In connection with this subject, I think it proper to lay before
you, in tabular form, the Gross Receipts from State Tobacco In-
spections in the City of Baltimore, for the twelve months ending
November 30th, 1853, and the expenses attendant thereon:
Gross receipts from State Tobacco Inspections
in the City of Baltimore, in the year ended
30th November, 1853, was. ..............
Of this turn there was disbursed in the same
period the sum of $56,890.99, on the follow-
ing accounts, m :
$66,316 70
" Wages to Laborers. ...................
" Rent of Warehouses for Storage of Tobac-
7,133 78
25,828 25
co, and Drayage. ...................
3,208 44
36,170 47
6,010 52
14,710 00
56,890 99
$9,325 71
By this statement it will be seen, that the gross receipts to the
30th of November, are $66,216.70, the expenses during the same
period, $56,890.99, and the nett revenue $9,325.71. Of these
expenses $3,208.44 was paid for storage, and the drayage conse-
quent thereon, although it is believed that other of the State's
Warehouses possessed the requisite capacity to receive this To-
bacco, if the present system permitted the practice.
In view of the facts thus presented, it becomes a question of
some importance to ascertain, if a change in the present system,
might not be advantageously made, and it is submitted to, the
Legislature to determine if the present law might not be amended
to provide for a Chief Inspector, who, in addition to general su-
pervisory powers, should have in charge all the expenditures and
disbursements of the Warehouses, with authority to regulate and
control the storage. Whether these suggestions be practica-
ble or not, it cannot be doubted, that if a change is not effected,
the Inspection of Tobacco will degenerate into a charge upon
the general revenue of the Treasury, an event never antici-
pated by the founders of the system, and which if permitted,
would operate unjustly to the other producing interests of the
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