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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1853
Volume 217, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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of my predecessor, and, as therein stated, was considered and
treated as H payment on the interest accruing in that year.

By the report of " The Funds," it win be seen that on the 1st
of December, 1852, there remained in the Treasury, to the credit
of the " Free Schools Fund," the sum of $20,527.49, and that "
the receipts for the fiscal year were $62,673.00, and the disburse-
ments for the same period, $52,397.83,—leaving a balance to the
credit of that Fund, of $30,802.66.

That portion of the School Fund which consists of Bank Stock
and Cash, belonging to the Counties, is set forth in Statement L.
The Report of "The Funds" also includes an exhibit of the
receipts and disbursements of the " Sinking Fund," for the past
year. The several amounts of stock purchased, the rate, charac-
ter of stock, and time of purchase, are set forth, in detail, in
Statement M.; to which will be found appended the amount of
stock purchased and carried to its credit, during the months of
October and November. By this Statement it will be seen that
the amount of the Sinking Fund, on the 1st of December, 1852,
was $2,728,076.01, and that it has been increased, during the
past year, chiefly by its increment alone, $142,628.70. If to
this sum be added the operations of October and November,
amounting to $52,046.16, it will show an increase for twelve
months, of $194,674.86; and, if to this amount be added the
stock purchased and carried to its credit, in the month of Decem-
ber, the aggregate increase will be $272,114.86, and the entire
amount of the Fund $3,000,190.87.

Notwithstanding the high character of the Stocks of this State,
the eagerness with which they are sought, and the difficulty of
their procurement, the investments have nearly all been made at
an average of par ; and although, in several instances, the price
paid exceeds that amount apparently, it will generally be found,
when the accruing interest is added to the amount purchased, and
the commission deducted from the price paid, the result above
stated has been obtained. This gratifying condition of the Sink-
ing Fund is chiefly due to the patient industry and unwearied
exertions of the Treasurer of this State, to whom the Constitu-
tion has confided the duty of making arrangements for the pay-
ment of The Public Debt, and for the purchase thereof on account
of the Sinking Fund; and it affords me the greatest pleasure, to
be able to bear witness to the skill and ability, brought by
that officer, to the performance of this responsible and impor-
tant duty.

Statement B, exhibits true, assessed value of Real and Personal
property in each County and the City of Baltimore, for the year
1863,to be $242,449,404 ; an increase upon the previous assess-
ment of $49,667,825. This amount is, without doubt, substan-
tially correct; being made up, with a single exception, from the
returns of the several County Commissioners to this office, as


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Annual Report of the Comptroller, 1853
Volume 217, Page 16   View pdf image (33K)
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