exist in said affluent of said sewerage, or its resultants, the said
State Board of Public Works is authorized to prevent any
further flow of said affluent or resultant of said sewerage into
the waters of said bay or its tributaries until the said State
Board of Public Works shall be satisfied as the result of a
re-examination that said affluent is free from impurities detri-
mental as aforesaid to the oyster or fish industries of this
borne by
State. The privilege of filing said petition, as hereinbefore
provided, shall not be more frequently than once in every
three months. Said examination and publication shall be at
the expense of the City of Baltimore.
Fund," how
SEC. 2. Be it further enacted, That the cost of construction
and maintenance of said sewerage system, including both
principal and interest, shall be raised and provided for by gen-
eral taxation, the necessary percentum to be levied by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore each and every year,
upon all property liable to taxation in said city and to be
Creation o f
"S inking
set apart and known as the "Sewerage Fund," for the pur-
pose of meeting the interest upon the bonds issued under the
provisions of this Act, and creating a "Sinking Fund" for
the redemption of said bonds at maturity.
Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of pro-
viding the money required to pay at the time for constructing
and maintaining said sewerage system, which cost is after-
wards to be assessed, as hereinbefore provided in Section 2,
Issue of stock.
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be and it is hereby
authorized to issue certificates of stock of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore for a sum not exceeding twelve
million ($12,000,000) dollars, said stock to be issued from
time to time, as the said Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more shall by ordinance prescribe. The proceeds of the sale
Its purpose.
of said stock to be used for the purpose of providing the
money for the purpose aforesaid. The said stock shall be
issued in such amounts and payable at such time and times,
and shall bear such rates of interest as the Mayor and City
Council shall provide by ordinance hereinafter mentioned,
and all of the money derived from general taxation, to be
levied as hereinbefore provided, shall be used and applied in
such manner and under such provisions as shall be prescribed
Ordinance for
issue of stock
must be ap-
proved by
election in
by the said ordinance to the payment of the said certificates
of stock hereinafter mentioned and the interest to accrue
thereon; but the said certificates of stock shall not be issued
until and unless the ordinance, which the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore is hereby authorized to pass for the pur-