fully read and examine the same; but the judges shall not
allow any ballot to be taken from their hands. As the ballots
are counted they shall be strung upon a strong twine.
Judge not per-
m i t t e d to
give ballot
out of hand.
270AAAAA. At least fifteen days before every city elec-
tion the city attorney shall prepare full instructions for the
guidance of the voters of such election as to obtaining ballots,
as to the manner of marking them and as to obtaining new
ballots in place of those accidentally destroyed, with such
other instructions as shall, in his opinion, be necessary and
proper; said instructions shall be furnished by the Board of
Supervisors of Elections, who shall respectively cause the
same, together with copies of Sections 270CCC, 270DDD
for voters.
and 270EEE of this Article, to be printed in large, clear
type on separate cards, to be called "Cards of Instruction,"
and said Board of Supervisors shall furnish twelve of the same
with ballots for use in each election precinct. They shall also
cause to be printed on light cardboard or heavy-sized paper
ten or more copies of the form of the ballots provided for each
voting place at each election therein, of a considerably mag-
Cards of In-
nified size, which shall be called "Specimen Ballots," and
the same shall be furnished with the other ballots prepared
for each voting place. On the morning of said election said
Supervisors of Elections shall cause to be conspicuously posted
in each polling place said cards of instruction and largely
magnified specimen ballots, and one of said cards of instruc-
tion shall be affixed in each booth or voting compartment,
and the said specimen ballots shall be conspicuously displayed
in said polling rooms and on the outside of the buildings
wherein said voting shall take place. Not less than three of
said cards and three of said specimen ballots shall be posted
outside of the guardrails, and not less than three of each of
same shall be securely and conspicuously posted on the out-
side of the building in which the polls are held, before the
balloting begins, in such position that the same maybe easily
examined by the public.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all Acts or parts of Acts
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act be and the same
are hereby repealed, and this Act shall take effect from the
date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1901.
Specimen bal-
lots posted.