SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1901.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section
255 of Article 10 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
"Dorchester County," sub-title "Oysters," as said section
was codified in 1888, with all amendments thereto, including
such amendments as were made thereto in Chapter 693 of
the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, nineteen
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 255 of Article 10 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Dorchester County," sub-title "Oysters,"
as said section was codified in 1888, with all amendments
thereto, including such amendments as were made thereto in
Chapter 693 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, nineteen hundred, be and the same is hereby repealed
and re-enacted so as to read as follows:
County Oyster
255. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dorchester County,
upon application of the managing owner, who has been a
resident of said county for one year next preceding said
application, and to no other person, shall issue a license to
such resident to employ his boat of a capacity of seven tons
gross or under; such capacity to be ascertained by rules of
custom-house measurement, as in the preceding section pro-
vided, in taking or catching oysters with scrapes or dredges
in the waters named in Section 253 of this Article, which said
License to
license shall hold good for one season only, and shall authorize
the catching of oysters from the ist day of November to the
15th day of March next succeeding, both inclusive, on
which last-named day said license shall expire; the appli-
cant for such license shall pay said clerk for the same
the sum of one dollar and ninety cents per gross ton, according
to the capacity of the vessel to be licensed, which capacity
shall be determined by gross tonnage, and all, boats measuring
Transfer of
less than five tons gross shall pay eight dollars for such
license; but it shall be lawful for the owner of any such
licensed boat to transfer his license to a purchaser of said
boat who has been a dona fide resident of said county for