declared to the devise and bequest made by and contained in
the ninth item of the first codicil to the last will and testa-
ment of Margaret J. Bennett, late of Baltimore City, deceased,
to the Mount Vernon Place Methodist Episcopal Church, of
Baltimore, of the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be by it
invested, and the annual income thereof, or so much thereof
as may be necessary, applied to the payment of an annual
ground rent of twelve hundred dollars issuing out of the lot
of ground whereon its church edifice stands at the northeast
corner of Charles street and Mount Vernon Place, in the City
of Baltimore, or the principal thereof, (the legacy of thirty
thousand dollars), or so much thereof as may be necessary,
to be used in the purchase of the said ground rent so as to
exempt the church property from the payment of the rent.
Mount Vernon
Place Metho-
dist Episcopal
Church Balti-
Second. To the bequest of two thousand dollars to the
rector, church wardens and vestrymen of St. Anne's Epis-
copal Church, of Annapolis, Maryland, contained in the last
will and testament of William C. Volans, late of Annapolis,
Maryland, deceased, said will being of record among the will
records of Anne Arundel County and State of Maryland.
St. Anne's
Church, An -
Third. To certain devises to the committee of the Presby-
terian Church in Snow Hill, in Worcester County, contained in
the last will and testament of George S. Richardson, late of
Worcester County, deceased, said will bearing date September
I4th, 1894, and being duly probated and recorded in the
office of the Register of Wills of Worcester County, in Liber
T. D. P. No. 12, folio 12 to 19, both inclusive.
Church, Snow
Fourth. To a certain bequest to the St. John's Evangelical
Lutheran Church, of Baltimore County, now located in Balti-
more City, and commonly known as "The Butcher Church,"
as contained in the last will and testament of Mary D. Appel,
late of Baltimore City, deceased.
St. John's
"The Butcher
Fifth. That the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland be and the same is hereby declared
and given to the grant of two certain lots of ground situate
in the City of Cumberland, in Allegany County, mentioned
in a deed from Ferdinand Kittell, trustee, to Right Reverend
Richard Phelan,- trustee of St. Matthew's Roman Catholic
Church, of Tyrone, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
which said deed bears date on the 27th day of February, in
the year of our Lord 1901, and is recorded among the laud
records of said Allegany County, in Liber T. L-, No. 88,
folio 143.
Right Rev