WHEREAS, With these objects in view the Governor of
the State has appointed Ferdinand C. Latrobe, John Gill,
Lloyd L. Jackson, Reuben Foster, Samuel Rosenthal, Jr.,
Robert Ober, Edward L- Bartlett, Franklin P.Cator and Francis
K. Carey, as Commissioners, to represent the State of Mary-
land at said South Carolina Interstate and West Indian
Exposition; and Lloyd L- Jackson, Frank N. Hoen,
Oswald Tilghman, John A. Gibbs and Herman Stump to rep-
resent said State at said Pan-American Exposition ; and the
said commissioners have accepted their respective appoint-
ments and are now jointly engaged in collecting funds from
private subscriptions to aid them in their work, but it is
necessary and proper that such private subscriptions shall be
supplemented by a State appropriation in order to accomplish
creditably and effectively the purposes for which said com-
missioners were appointed. Now, therefore,
for Exposi-
tion Commis-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the sum of twenty -five thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be deemed necessary by said commis-
sioners, acting jointly, is hereby appropriated for the joint
use of said commissioners, and the Comptroller of the State
is hereby authorized to draw his warrants upon the State
Treasurer for the payment of such requisitions to the extent
of this appropriation, as may be, from time to time, be made
upon him by the said commissioners, acting jointly, whose
appointments are hereby confirmed; the said requisitions to
be signed by the chairman of said commissioners and coun-
tersigned by their treasurer and approved by the Governor,
and to be accompanied by the estimates of the expenses, to
which the money so drawn is to be applied; said chairman
and said treasurer to be elected by said commissioners,
acting jointly.
o f expendi-
t u r e s by
C o m m i s-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners,
acting jointly, are hereby authorized to expend such appro-
priation in such manner as in their joint discretion will best
accomplish the purposes thereof, and said commissioners,
acting jointly, may apportion the said appropriation between
the said two expositions in such amounts and for such objects
as they may deem best, and shall make a report of their pro-
ceedings and expenditures from time to time to the Governor,
and at any time upon his written request, to be by him trans-
mitted to the Legislature; and the treasurer of said commis-
sioners, elected as aforesaid, shall give bond to the State in a
sum to be designated by the Governor, with a surety to be