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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 850   View pdf image (33K)
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setleas, as before single justices of the





MAGISTRATES COURTS— Securities on such super-


sedeas may plead limitation after four


year's from the date thereof,



On application shall issue writ of re-





And in such case require and take a


bond to the party holding the property, to


return said property with costs of suit,


and pay all damages, &c.



Upon service and appraisement of such


goods, at real value, if the amount ex-


ceeeds $100, all proceedings shall cease


and the plaintiff shall pay costs,



Return required in such case of the of-


ficer, with certificate and schedule,



On application of creditor on oath, that


the debtor owing less than $100, resident


out of the State, hath absconded from his


place of abode, to the injury of his credi-


tors and at the same time producing


the note or account, &c. court may issue


attachment, returnable before said court,


against the goods, chatties, lands and


tements, rights and credits of said debtor,



Proceedings directed thereon,



On all judgments of the, the party in


whose favor it is rendered shall on appli-


cation to any one of the justices thereof,


have process or execution thereon, direct-


ed to the sheriff or some constable resid-


ing in the district,



Justices of, may act also as justi-


ces of the peace, and shall keep separate


dockets as such,



And shall for all services charge and


collect the same fees to which single jus-


tices are entitled for like services, where


the demand in controversy does not ex-


ceed $50



Where it exceeds that sum the fees spe-





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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 850   View pdf image (33K)
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