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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 840   View pdf image (33K)
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KENNEDY, ELIZABETH.— For relief of— divorced


from bed, board, &c, from her husband,


John Kennedy,



KENT COUNTY,— To authorise the clerk of, to re-


cord a deed of manumission from Sophia


Beck to negro Ezekiel Foreman,



Supplement to act of 1825, ch, 191,


to authorise the trustees of the poor of, to


purchase a farm or tract of land for the


use of the poor, and to sell the present


alms house of said county,



Said trustees, if the levy court assent,


authorised to borrow not exceeding $10,-


000 on the faith of the county, to purchase


and furnish said farm,



Levy, not exceeding sufficient to pay


$1,200 annually, besides accruing inter-


est authorised, &c.



To authorise the levy court of, to levy


a sum of money on the assessable proper-


ty of said county, to make a causeway


and erect a bridge on the public road lead-


ing from Millington to Smyrna, near and


adjoining the town of Millington,



Supplement to the act of 1825, ch. 162,


for the public instruction of Youth in


Primary schools throughout this State,


so far as the same relates to



Instead of present mode, the levy court


shall in future levy annually upon the


real and personal property of, a sum


equal to lite net and clear sum of $150


for each primary school district in,


which shall have organized before the 1st


July of said year, for the support there-


in of, excepting erection of houses,



To be collected by county collector,


paid over to the treasurer of the school


fund of the county, and by him appor-


tioned to the schools,



The levy court directed as to manner


of apportioning the tax,



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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 840   View pdf image (33K)
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