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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 768   View pdf image (33K)
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SSAULTS, Magistrates Courts not to have jurisdic-


tion of case of, with intent to commit rape,





BATTERY,— The Magistrates' Courts shall have


criminal jurisdiction in cases of, commit-


ted within the district, except when com-


mitted with intent to kill,



Upon complaint under oath, or upon


their own knowledge of such offence, they


shall issue a capias against the accused,


who upon appearing, may at option sub-


mit the case to the court or enter into re-


cognisance to appear at the next county





If he submits to their jurisdiction they


shall proceed to try and determine the mat-


ter, and &c. to inflict fine or imprisonment,



Parties shall have advantage of witnes-





Accused shall have time for defence,



And he entitled to personal discharge


upon giving bail, &c.



The court shall tax the costs in all such


eases, &c.



In case, of judgment against the accused


may issue execution thereon, and for fines,


directed to the sheriff, &c.



Or commit the party to jail until the


same be paid,



Shall give certificates to persons en-


titled to said costs for their respective por-


tions, which the sheriff is authorised and


required to pay when collected,



In case of acquital, the costs to he tax-


ed upon the county,



The, court shall not exercise criminal


jurisdiction in any such case if the Attor-


ny General or his deputy for the district


objects, &c. in writing thereto, unless all


three of the judges shall concur in over-


ruling said dissent,



See Baltimore City Court,



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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 768   View pdf image (33K)
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