No. 20.
Passed Feb. 13, 1836
Resolution in favor of Sarah Deavcr.
Resolvedly the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Sarah Dea-
ver, widow of Aquilla Dean, a soldier of the revolu-
tion, the half pay of a private during life.
No. 21.
Passed February 12
Resolution in favor of the Commissioners for Anne
Arundel County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Wester Shore, pay unto the com-
missioners for Anne Arundel county, the sum of two
thousand eight hundred and twenty dollars, and seven-
ty-five cents, to he by them applied to defraying the
expenses of arrest, prosecution and conviction of the
Rioters on the Baltimore and Washington Rail Road.
No. 22.
Passed January 15
Resolution relative to certain Rivers, Straits and Sounds
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
our Senators and Representatives in the Congress of
the United States, be requested to use their exertions
to procure appropriations sufficient to provide that the
channels of the rivers Nanticoke, Monukin, Annames-
sex, Pocomoke and Wicomico, the straits of Hooper
and Cajey, and the sounds of Tangier and Pocomoke,
may be distinctly marked out and made easy of ingress
and egress by the placing of buoys at proper sites, and
that a sufficient sum he also appropriated for the pay
of keepers of the said buoys.
Further resolved, That his excellency, the Governor,
be requested to forward a copy of the foregoing reso-
lution to each of our Senators and Representatives in