No. 15.
Passed Feb. 11, 1836
Resolution relative to appointing Commissioners to
have a survey made, and estimate the cost of a Rail
Road, et cetera.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor and Council, be, und they are hereby
are authorised and required to appoint one commission-
er from each of the counties of the Eastern Shore of
this State, who or any two of them, shall be authori-
sed to employ an Engineer, and to make a recogni-
sance and survey, and to estimate the cost of a rail
road from some point or points in Cecil county, in
connection with one or more of the improvements in
said county, and thence extending by a line, as straight
as may be, nearly contiguous to, and parallel with the
Western limits of the State of Delaware, to the South-
ern extremity of Somerset county, with a divergent
route through Worcester county, to the Northern line
of the State of Virginia, including in such estimate the
lands and rights of way, with the necessary buildings,
vehicles and all appurtenances, as authorised at the
present session of the General Assembly; and the Ex-
ecutive are hereby authorised to adjust and allow for
said recognisance and survey, such compensation and
expenses as may seem reasonable, and to draw there-
for on the Treasurer of the Western Shore.
No. 16.
Passed January 20
Resolution in favor of Ellen Schmuck and Catharine
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
His Excellency, the Governor, be requested to ascer-
tain the value of the sword, which was directed to be
presented to captain Jacob Schmuck, late of the Uni-
ted States Army, under a resolution of the last Gener-
al Assembly of Maryland, number ninety-eight, and
to draw on the Treasurer of the Western Shore for
the amount thereof, and present the same to Ellen