No. 9.
Passed Feb, 4, 1836
Resolution in favour of Solomon Hillen, Junior.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to Solomon
Hillen, Junior, out of any unappropriated money in
the Treasury, the, sum of twenty five dollars, for ser-
vices rendered as one of a committee on the Library
during the recess of the Legislature.
No. 10.
Passed February, 4
Resolution requiring the Armorer at Annapolis, to de-
liver certain Arms to Captain Tompkins, Lieuten-
ant Taylor, Doctor Hawkcns, and Lieutenant Wal-
Resolved by the. General Assembly of Maryland, That
the armorer at Annapolis, be, and he is hereby requir-
ed to deliver to Captain Tompkins, Lieutenant Taylor,
Doctor Hawkcns and Lieutenant Walbach, officers of
the United States Army, each a pair of pistols with.
accoutrements on receipt given for the return of the
No. 11.
Passed February 4
Resolution in favour of Thomas F. Bowie.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Thomas
F. Bowie, out of any unappropriated money in the
Treasury, the sum of one hundred and twenty-eight
dollars and thirty-four cents, for expenses incurred
and services rendered in arguing the case of the State
vs. Thomas Bruce and his sureties, in the Court of
Appeals of this State.