Said, shall in any manner be effected by the subsequent
CHAP. 397.
organization of said courts; And further provided, that
this act shall not affect any district in any county
in which saitl court shall have been organized.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the clerk of the se-.
Record qualifica-
veral county courts of this State, shall receive and re-
tion of the justieet
cord the qualifications of the justices of the magis-
trates' courts in the manner as the qualifications of
justices of the peace are now required by law.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall he and it
Clerks annually to
is hereby made the duty of the clerk of the several
transmit lists of justices that
county courts in this State, to make out a list of the
qualify to the executive
names of all persons who have qualified or may here-
after qualify as justices of the magistrates' courts, and
to transmit a list of the same to the Governor and
Council at their next meeting thereafter, and to give a
Certificate to
certificate to any plaintiff who may obtain a judgement
in any of the said district courts, and it is hereby pro-
Case of not quali-
vided that in all cases where any person has or may
fying in 30 days, void
hereafter refuse or fail to qualify and file a ertificate
of such qualification with clerk of the county court,
within thirty days after said justice shall have received
notice of their appointment as such, his appointment
shall be considered void and of no effect, and the Go-
vernor and Council are hereby required to fill all such
vacancy or vacancies that shall then exist.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That an additional court
Additional court a
shall be instituted and organized in the village of Port
Port Deposited
Deposits, in Cecil county, with power to take cogni-
zance of all such cases as may lawfully be brought be-
fore it originally in the limits of said village, together
with such suits in the third and fourth election districts
as the parties may wish to have tried by said court,
and the Governor and Council be and they are hereby
required to appoint three additional justices for said
court, who shall immediately upon the receipt of their
several commissioners proceed to organise said court,
and shall receive the same per diem compensation, and
be governed in all respects as the other courts estab-
lished by the act to which this is a supplement.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the Magistrates'
Not to have cogni-
Courts shall not bo construed to have jurisdiction in
zance of assault with intent to
cases of assaults with intent to commit rape.
commit rape