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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 608   View pdf image (33K)
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SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the following

CHAP. 341

rules, restrictions, limitation and provisions, shall

Rules and regula-

form and be fundemental articles of the constitution of


the said corporation.


ARTICLE 1. None but a stockholder, being a citi-

Eligibilty of presi-

zen of this State and building at least twenty shares of

dent and directors

capital stock in said hank, shall be eligible as a direc-


tor or president, and every president or director as


the case may be, shall cease to be a director or presi-


dent, upon his ceasing to be a citizen of this State, or


stockholder to the said amount of shares.


ART. 2. No director of any other batik, shall be at

No director of ano-

the same time a director of this bank, and once in each

ther bank eligible

year the directors shall lay before the stockholders, at


a general meeting for their information, an exact and


particular statement of the debts, which shall have


remained unpaid after the expiration of the original


credit and the surplus profit, if any, after deducting


losses and dividends.


ART. 3. The Treasurer of the Western Shore, for

Statement to Trea-

the time being, shall be furnished once every year or

surer Western Shore

oftener if required, with statements of the amount of


the capital stock of the said corporation, and of the


debts due to and from the same, of the monies deposited


therein, of the notes in circulation, of the cash and


property on hand, and of the profits made, and shall


have a right to inspect such general accounts, in the


hooks of the bank, as shall relate to said statement,


but nothing herein contained shall be construed to im-

No inspection of individual acct's.

ply a right cf inspecting the account of any private


individual or individuals with the bank, nor shall such


general statement and power of inspection be used for


any other purpose than to enable him to form a just


opinion of the state of the institution.


ART. 4. The issues or notes, usually denominated

Limit of issues

bank notes, which it shall be lawful for the said cor-


poration to issue, shall not at any time exceed the


amount of its actual capital stock, nor shall any of


said issues or notes be for a less sum than five dollars.


ART. 5. The president, each director, cashier or


treasurer, before he enters on the duties of his office,


shall take the following oath or affirmation, as the case


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 608   View pdf image (33K)
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