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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 605   View pdf image (33K)
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and also, shall apply to the unincumberred estate of

CHAP. 341

lessees, for ninety, nine years renewable forever, but


in all cases of leasehold property, where it. shall ap-


pear that the principal of the ground rent, estimated


at six per cent, shall amount to one half of what may


be deemed the cash value of the leasehold property,


such property shall be inadmissible into the capital of


the bank.

Deed of property

SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That as soon as practi-

to Bank

cable, after the distribution and allotment of the stock


shall be made, each subscriber shall by a good and


sufficient deed convey to the real estate bank of Fred-


erick county, and their successors the property mention-


ed and described in his subscription to the stock of the


hank, to hold the same to the said real estate bank,


their successors and assigns, in absolute right, and for


the uses and purposes made and declared by this act,


and upon the execution and delivery of the said deed


which together with the cost of recording the same,

At expense of stockholders

shall be at the expense of the stockholders, and upon


the full payment of the said three instalments of two


dollars and fifty cents each, the said president and di-


rectors shall issue a certificate or certificates of stork


in such form as they may prescribe, and such stock


shall be held and considered as personal estate.

Must give descrip-

SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That at the time of sub-

tion of building

scribing for the stock in the said bank, where the


property offered is improved by buildings of any kind.


the person offering to subscribe shall deliver a particular lar description of the nature and value of such build-


ings, and if the property so offered shall be admitted

Bank may insure

into the capital of the bank, it shall be in the power


and duty of the president and directors, to have the


same insured against loss or destruction by fire, and


to continue to have the same insured in whole or in


part, if in their judgment it shall be necessary for the


security of the bank.

Power to borrow

SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the president and di-


rectors of the said bank shall have the power to borrow


a sum of money, not exceeding one million five hun-


dred thousand dollars, by a sale or negotiation of the


bonds or scrip of the bank, bearing such interest, not

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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 605   View pdf image (33K)
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