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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 603   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 341

bank for one year, and upon said election, and on all


other elections or occasions wherein a vote of the


stockholders is to be taken, each share shall be entitled


to one vote, which may be given in person or by proxy,


and the said commissioners, or any numberof them


not less than three, shall be judges of said election.

Commissioners to deliver plats &c

SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall deposite the money, schedule and plats


received from the subscribers to the capita! stock of


said bank, in some place of safe keeping and deliver


the same, to the president and directors of the said


bank, or to their order as soon as shall be required

Allowed charges

after the organization of the bank: and the said com-


missioners shall be allowed all reasonable charges and


expenses incurred in the execution of their trust, to be


paid by the president and directors of said bank out of


the funds thereof.


SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That in order to perpetu-


ate the said corporation, the persons who shall be elect-


ed directors, or a majority of them, shall choose a


president from amongst the stockholders, to serve for


one year from the time of the election of the directors,

Elect Directors

and twelve directors shall be elected on the same day


annually thereafter; and at their first meeting after

Form of service

their election in each year, the directors shall proceed


to appoint a president from their own number; and the


directors and president so elected and appointed, shall


continue in their respective offices for one year, and

Day immaterial

until successors shall be chosen; and in case it should


at any time happen that an appointment of a president,


or an election of the said bank should not be made to


as to take effect at any period or on any day, when in


pursuance of this act the same should take effect, the


corporation shall not for that cause be deemed to be


dissolved, but it shall be lawful at any time within


thirty days thereafter, to make such an ejection or ap-


pointment in such manner as is provided by this act,


or as shall be directed and provided by the ordinances

Vacancies, how fil-

of the corporation; and in case of the death, resigna-


tion, removal out of the State, or other disqualification


of the president or of any director of the said corpora-


tion, the vacancy thereby occasioned shall be filled by


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Session Laws, 1835
Volume 214, Page 603   View pdf image (33K)
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